Sunday, January 3, 2010

Slow on progress...but there is progress...

So with the holidays, I kind of took a break from doing stuff around the place that didn't involve the Christmas Tree. Enjoy the photo...that's my little yarny snowman too. Love that guy. :)

But today, I embarked on a project - to turn 2 6 foot boxes just like this one...

with some help from the instructions and my little electric screwdriver...

And now I have some pretty needs some arranging, but they're built...
thanks to Dad who gave me moral support on #2, while we watched the Redskins fail the end of their season - unfortunatley it was to be expected.

And sorry for the not awesome photograhpy - my camera is broken, so we're working with my blackberry camera, which is good, but not perfect. :) 

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Amy @ Design-Aholic said...

Love your wall color! The shelving is neat too- nice work!!!